Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I thought I set the camera on the timer, but when I reached out to push the button, it took my picture! That picture looked like I was barfing, so I deleted it! But, then I set the timer and I was tickled because the first picture had been so goofy and this is the one I got. It's been a pretty good day, but I'm really not as happy as this picture looks. I was able to be legitimately tickled, though, so I'm using it.

Several things went right today. I was able to install a clothes line in the Florida Room and that pleases me no end. I love hanging clothes! I love not having to run the dryer, too, so that was a double pleasure. Plus I did something that worked right. I also altered my coat; the sleeves were way too long and the belt kept getting in my way. So I shortened the sleeves and I'm taking the belt loops off the coat tonight while I watch Survivor. I'm using the belt to add to the swim suit I bought when we were in Bella Vista. I have to add fabric to cover the places where I had radiation, so this belt matches perfectly. I've got that all pinned in place to stitch while I watch Survivor. So, Survivor is going to be a full page for me!

I'm all ready for church. I'll get the blog and my journal done, so I only have to come home and watch Survivor and sew. It feels good to be prepared! Usually it's more my style to be running late. I thank God for His help. I know today fell together right because of His direction.

Doris gave me "Grace for the Moment" by Max Lucado and today's thought goes like this: " . . . this life is not crowned with life, it is crowned with death. The next life, however, is different. Jesus urged the Christians in Smyrna to "be faithful, even if you have to die, and I will give you the crown of life."" I recall how relaxed Don's body was when he breathed his last breath. His face was noticeably relaxed and smooth. I like to think of his death as his crown as his soul stepped into no worries, no pain, no sadness and no tears. God will bless us, too; we just have to be faithful. Thank you, Doris, for this precious book of thoughts.


  1. You look absolutely beautiful in this shot much younger looking then the rest of us.

  2. Thanks, Dana, but you should have seen the one I deleted! I looked about 85 and I tossed all 6 that I took on Monday. You've got to take into consideration that I only post the best ones and flattery counts for a lot! :) Love you!

  3. I love this photo of you !!!!!

  4. Thanks, Nancy. It was so funny, so I'm glad I could capture that moment.
