Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Back to Work!

We got one good day at home.  The high school attendance clerk called me to sub tomorrow, so I'm back to work.  I love it!  I just hope I can stay awake and stay a step ahead of the kids!  I've been off for so long and I'm taking antihistamines to fight off the spring allergies.  I'll do the best I can and the best is all I can do.  I'm subbing for one of the coaches; they like to leave videos to watch and the kids and I hate that, so I hope he doesn't do that.  If he does, I'll probably ad lib and do something else to keep us all awake!

I thank God for a job that I love.  I absolutely love the kids and feel so blessed to have them in my life. I still haven't unpacked my suitcase.  I guess I'll get to that this weekend.

This picture is one that Lee's daughter-in-law took of us Monday night when we ate with them and Lee's daughter at Hollie's in OKC.  It was sure a fun evening and I'm glad we stumbled into it.  We didn't plan it, but it just fell into place and it's lots of memories to treasure.  Glad we got it done before they called me back to sub!

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