Tuesday, April 1, 2014

God's Message . . .

This pic I took tonight because these flowers are fading and may not last many more days.  They have been such a joy to me!  Some years when we get home from spring break the jonquils and hyacinths have already bloomed and I've missed them, but this year, I've had such a good time bringing them inside.  These are the last of the hyacinths; I may be able to get a few more jonquils, but I love the contrast of the blue and yellow, so I'm happy for a digital camera to catch plenty of pix .

Every day I get an email called 'God's Daily Message.'  Today's message was really good, so I can't resist sharing it on this post.  I hope it touches you as it did me:

"Today, God’s message for you is to recognize that you are what the world needs most, give freely of yourself. You were created with a purpose, which only you may fulfill. Our lord may work in mysterious ways, but rest assured you are on a very sacred path, traveling in just the right direction for this moment. Each day will urge you toward this higher good." 

I'm sure that everyone can think of times in their lives that things could have gone differently, but God took over and got us to where we are today.  I was not a planned child and I know I was difficult because I threw up every time we made any motion (like rode in a car or on a bus, ship or plane).  Most moms carry their wallet and other odds and ends in their purse; my mom carried a plastic bag for me to use when I threw up.  The only question about it was when I would do it; not whether I would do it.  I'm surprised she didn't pinch my head off and tell God I'd died, but I never felt anything but love from my family.  Through life there have been other times that my life was really in danger.  I've had this cancer for the last 8 years, but Don died and I lived.  I'm convinced that God has a purpose in all our lives and I totally trust Him.  I'm happy as long as I'm fulfilling a purpose for God and I thank Him for the opportunity.

My treatment was non-eventful today.  We leave Sunday for Houston and I'll have tests at MD Anderson on Monday and see the doctor for the results of all those tests on Tuesday.  I'm grateful that I can go to MD Anderson, as well as have wonderful doctors both here and in Branson.  We always stay with Don's sister and her husband and usually get to see their boys and their families, too.  (That makes the trip way wonderful even though it's for tests, etc.)  I saw my doctor in Lawton today and he did a very thorough exam.  He was very positive about treatment options if we find that the one I'm on now is  not working.  We have no indication that this treatment is not working, though.  I seem to be doing very well.  Thanks so much to you for your love and prayers as we all 'travel on our sacred paths!'


  1. You know you are on my daily prayer list. We are looking forward to you getting here and hope it is a pretty travel day. You are such a good example of living each day with a positive attitude and faith. Love you, Doris

    1. Thank you for your love and prayers, Doris! We're looking forward to getting there. We enjoy traveling, so it'll be good. If it rains that will make a tougher drive, but we all need rain. If it's cloudy we won't have to squint so much. I'm hoping we'll get to see some wildflowers on the way. We just feel blessed that we can make the trip and that you always make us feel so loved and welcome! It makes it fun to go for a check up! Love you all!

  2. Prayers for positive results and a safe journey to MD. Take care and know many love and pray for you daily!

    Love ya, Donna

  3. Thank you, Donna! I count on the love and prayers of many; thank you for being among them! Love you lots!

  4. I will miss our visits along your your journey to Houston. Know that I will be with you, holding your hand in my heart. I love you MJ. My prayers are always with you.

    1. Aw, thanks, Terri! Lee said the other night, "What will we do for lunch now that Terri is gone?" We both enjoyed those lunches and will think of you as we go to Houston Sunday. Thanks for going with us in spirit and thanks so much for your love and prayers. I was just thinking today of when I was in those treatments in Tijuana where they heated me in a cooped up sort of tank and I always took you in there with me in my mind. I was so claustrophobic in there, but it turned it into a fun thing when I started packing it with people from all over who were willing to 'go' in there with me to sing, etc. Love you, Girl!; thanks for all the wonderful memories!
