Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Quick Post; So TIred!

This was taken on my first birthday.  I had my new panties on my head and no shirt.  I guess I've had modesty issues from the beginning,

Today we did all manner of tests and ruled out a lot of things.  Ruled out blood clots in the legs.  Ruled out a heart problem.  The cardiologist thinks I was born with the tendency for my heart to race (kind of like born with the tendency to go without a shirt???) and it's simply manifesting itself now because my body is having a crash course in survival.  Anyway, tomorrow they will drain my abdomen which will give me some relief and they will analyze the fluid to see if there are cancer cells in it or not.

We are adding a second diuretic to attempt to get some fluid off my legs and feet.  I will go with this plan of a couple of different drugs and see if we can have improvement by next week.  If I improve we'll do the happy dance.  If I don't they'll stick me in the hospital and go hard and heavy on getting rid of all this fluid.  I'm ready for anything that sounds like relief!

God is great!  We really had a fun day today; it was just so tiring.

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