This picture is how the car looked after don vacuumed the glass off me, I got a bath; then I went back out to the garage and got this picture. We were 55 minutes from home when one of those horrible downpours hit right where we were on the interstate. We couldn't see a thing and suddenly there was an 18 wheeler in each of the lanes in front of us and a car beside us on the right. Everyone was stopped and while Don was slowing down there was no way to stop. If he'd hit the brakes any harder we would have slid under the 18 wheeler in front of us. So he took a quick swerve into the median to our left, but he clipped the end of the trailer of the 18 wheeler. I had visions of the trailer cutting off my head, so I was relieved that it only caved in my door and window. It didn't hurt the 18 wheeler at all. We drove home as I was so anxious to get all the glass off of me. I had it in my hair and all in my clothes. It was everywhere in the car. I couldn't move without feeling like I was stabbing myself somewhere, and there wasn't much blood, but enough to freak me out, wondering where all the glass was. As soon as we pulled into the garage I got out Don's side as my door probably won't shut if we could even open it. Then Don vacuumed all the glass off of me that he could. Then I went to the tub, thinking I'd take a nice relaxing bath to relax me. Not! There is no way to relax when you keep sitting on glass. I couldn't wait to get into the tub and then I couldn't wait to get out! How fickle we are thinking we know what we want!
Anyway, I'm out, the clothes are in the washer. I'm going to dry my hair, fold the clothes, power plate to relax me and shake my body back into place, then I'm going to bed. I suspect I'll be sore as can be tomorrow; no doubt I stiffened every muscle in my body in an effort to somehow miss that truck. God was with us and had Don do the best thing possible. It sure could have been so much worse. Don did so great. I don't know how he kept his cool like he did. I'm still pretty much a basket case; but what can you do? I'm doing laundry; that always seems like the answer. :) We had a wonderful trip and thank God for our lives and the opportunity to see Jeff and Jessie!