Saturday, December 12, 2009

We made it, bags and all!

Looky here, looky here! This pictures Hapuna beach, which we will be viewing from the air in a few hours. It's a picture I took last July, but we're looking forward to seeing those beautiful colors with WHALES in the water, soon!

I wrote this a couple of hours ago, then lost the connection. Ugh. So maybe this will be posted sometime tonight. I will keep attempting to post from time to time, but I'm running low on battery. Anyway, here it is:

We are in flight as I post this. Wow; this is the first time I've ever been able to get online while in flight. This has been a very interesting trip, so far. We went to bed last night at 8 so that we could get up at 3 because we had Airport Express picking us up at 4 to get to the airport in time for our flight leaving at 5:45 A.M. Plan B hits. There was a mechanical difficulty with the plane (before we loaded) so they announced a delay. Shortly the flight was CANCELLED because the door on the plane was faulty. YIKES! We were scheduled to fly to Atlanta, then LA, then Kona. We stood in line for 2 hours while they re-routed people. We were BLESSED to be able to get a flight leaving Oklahoma City at 8:30 for Salt Lake City; then from Salt Lake City we flew into LA and caught our originally planned flight to Kona! We were very pleased with how that worked. We wore jackets from the hotel this morning to the airport in OKC, but Don put his into his checked bag, thinking we wouldn't need it, again. I kept mine to sit on in the airplane to make me tall enough that the back of the seat doesn't hit me in the head. I was sure glad I had mine when we landed in Salt Lake City and it was 3 degrees; we had to climb off the plane OUTSIDE and slide into the terminal. Poor Don was in his short sleeve, Hawaii shirt, but he lived over it with a smile. We were so glad to make the connection in LA! They even gave us vouchers for 3 meals, each, to use as we flew today. We appreciated that.

Here we sit on the last seat in the airplane! That means it doesn't lean back, so we're sitting straight. Ugh. But the good thing is that this flight is not full, so Don and I are the only ones on this row. That gives us a little extra space without bumping into anyone other than each other.

Whew! It's wonderful to think we'll arrive on time and not have the hassle of changing our rental car, driving in the dark, etc. I thank God that it has all worked out well. I really thank God that they found the mechanical issue in time to cancel the flight rather than crashing it! I'm glad to be able to post at a decent hour, too. I'll update more tomorrow and report if our luggage arrives with us. Woo hoo! Almost in paradise!

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