Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The daily treadmill walk.

Tonight's picture is one Don took of me today so I'd have something current to put on the blog. This is my regular walking shirt. At the fitness center, they probably think it's all I have. Today I had my hair pulled back into a low ponytail behind my ears; it just falls into these ringlets over my shoulders. On a cool day it's warming like this. In the summer, I'll wear it in a knot of some sort to be cooler.

I wrote to a girl who is just beginning cancer treatments this month and suggested to her that hair is way over-rated. And, see? In 3 years it has come back this much for me. There is life after cancer! Even hair! Actually, it was so easy when I didn't have to wash my hair or shave my legs! Every hair I ever had came back. I thank God for that. I would so be freezing if I didn't have hair, but it is lots more maintenance!

The wonderful corn buddies Trish made for me that winter that I was bald are right here with me, and I still use them a lot! I finally burned two holes into one of them this week, but I just sewed them up and on we go! Love those corn buddies! In fact the fleece jacket she gave me that year made this trip with me, too. It keeps me warm when Don freezes me out in the car. I still love that, too!

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