I swiped this picture off of Tricia's album on Facebook, because I don't have any recent pictures on this computer. (Thanks, Trish.) This was one Rob took of them when they went on an adventure to the Landing in Branson. That's Trish, Gabe holding Raynie, Gracie, Sadie, and Mason. The other computer is in limbo, working it's way back to life, I hope. The real geek told me to let it run all night and maybe it will be done tomorrow. That means I get to ruin tomorrow with it, too. UGH. I got so excited when I got it to strip this morning, that I dug out our old laptop and started working on stripping it. Well, I'm not getting anywhere fast with it, either. I've been going from inversion table to power plate to jiggler today and I'm still walking like Chester, too. However, I AM walking. I haven't slammed a door or anything today, either, so I'm doing good with my attitude adjustment.
I really do thank God that this hip thing is just that, a hip thing. It's not a big deal and it's better than a migraine, which I used to get all the time. I don't have migraines anymore, which is such a wonder! So, I'll deal with the hip. It could be so many other things that would be way serious. This is just something to slow me, and that's probably a good thing. So, I took today to fool with computers. Tomorrow I fool with dusting and cleaning the hard floors. Wonderful Don will vacuum for me. I sure love that he does that!
Sunday we have company coming for dinner. I have it in the freezer, so it's no big deal. It will be a wonderful day! I may be limping along with this computer for a few days, but isn't it wonderful to have one that works!
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