This is a picture I took of Don and Jerry and Doris as we watched all the picture taking before the wedding. There's a glimpse of the bride, Hannah over Don's shoulder. I think they look really good for the great uncles and aunt! We sure had a good time spending that weekend with Doris and Jerry and then we were at their house this past weekend in Houston. Two weekends in a row was a fun schedule, and uncommon for us.
It is uncommonly cold here! It's supposed to get down to 38 tonight and it's supposed to be 70 or 75 around this time of year. I know when it's around 100 this summer, we'll be wishing for some of this cool air. It's just that I'm so at home in cut offs, a tank top and flip flops. I jump right into them when it gets warm and then these cold spells come back and slap me in the face. I've got the corn buddies all fired up and ready for bed, but one is in my lap right now. I shouldn't be whining at all about the weather. Another thing that would be common would be for us to be having tornadoes. I give thanks that we're not. They are really due in the next couple of months, so we're not out of the woods, but I thank God that our weather is liveable, but brrrrr!
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