Saturday, January 21, 2012

Recalling the cruise.

Patsy took this picture the day that she and I walked into the tourist traps in Cozumel.  I'll really be happy to stay on the ship if I go on another cruise.  The ship was great.  Going off the ship was more of a hassle than it was worth to me.  Patsy was so great to hang close to the ship with me and be content.  We were on the Triumph, the ship on the left.  Carnival parked the Glory right beside us, so the folk who drank a lot in Cozumel had to be thinking they were seeing double when they came back to the ship!

I'm packing to load the car soon.  It's been challenging today.  Trish brought me home and then her car wouldn't start when she started to go home!  She called AAA and they got her going pretty quickly, but it was a challenge, and she made it home just fine.  Now, to get everything I need packed into the car.   God keeps taking care of me, so I'm looking forward to "our" trip to Branson.  I miss Don, but God is hanging really tough with me, so I'll make it.


  1. So glad you are going to Branson! This is big and you can do it! I can't imagine how much your heart is hurting but I can see an independent woman bursting out!! After the cruise, your MD Anderson checkup and this trip to Branson, there is nothing to hold you back, there is nothing you can't do!!!!! Hang in there Jo and know there are lots of us cheering you on!! Love you, Linda

  2. Oh, Linda, thanks so much. I hope you're right. I'm so glad you got the blog; I got messages last night that mail wasn't being delivered to you, so I'm glad we're still connected! I don't really know how I go from day to day, but it happens. God has a plan for me and I'm doing my best to stay up for it. Man, it's hard and I bathe in tears. I am so blessed, though; I keep reminding myself of all the good things and there are so many. I sure hope you all are doing okay. Think of you lots and thank you so much for your cheering and prayers. Love you! I'm shutting down the computer and loading right now!
