Saturday, August 11, 2012

Happy 89th birthday, Dorothy!

I am such a goofball that I forgot to take pictures tonight.  This is one I took on July 8th, though, and I love it of Dorothy.  We played cards tonight to celebrate her 89th birthday and it was sure a fun night.  Jo Ann and Frank, Bob and Diana, Dorothy and Joan and Lee and I played 8 handed.  It was way fun! Lee and I had practiced last night, so he did great.  He sat by Dorothy and he said, "She's really sharp!"  Of course I know that, but he was really impressed at how sharp she is even when it comes to playing cards and she can barely see.  What a gift she is to all of us.  She is the delight of our card group!

I cooked today so I'll be ready for the fellowship dinner at church tomorrow.  It feels good to be prepared.  Lee had to go home tomorrow because he has a real estate class every day next week from 9-5.  It'll be a week of hard work for me, too;  lots of loose ends to tie up around here.  Lee will come here for the weekend and I will go home with him after that.  He has his 50th high school reunion coming up and wants me to go with him to that.  So, I'll work this week to earn the right to take some off time.

I thank God for Dorothy in my life.  How blessed all who know her are.  God knows we need the blessing she is in our lives.  Can you believe 89?  She's a doll and I love her so!

1 comment:

  1. I see you are going to be busy this next week but I was wondering if you would have any free time for me to "drop" by if I can get away. I need some sisterly advice from someone in my shoes. Facebook me if you have any.

    Luv ya

