Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fun guys in Houston!

This is Logan and Luke, two of Doris' grandsons.  They are taking their pick from here trick or treat treasures.  Luke was just a baby in arms when we first started my treatments in Houston.  He's playing flag football, now, and has a little brother coming up in his footsteps.  It was really fun to get to see them and spend some time playing with them.

Today has been a hard, hard, day.  We've worked to get the garage sale ready for tomorrow.  There are still some things that are not marked, but I'll get up early in the morning and get busy.  Surely I can be done by 8.  If I'm not then we'll go ahead and do the best we can.  I know I am never having another garage sale if I can help it.  They called me to teach today and I had to turn it down to do this sale.  I think I came out on the short end of that stick, but I so badly want to get this stuff out of the garage.  I think I'd be better off to just give it away!  Maybe I'll feel better after tomorrow if I have some money to show for it.  After Saturday I should have a clean garage and THAT will make me smile.

I thank God that I have 'stuff' to spare instead of NEEDING something.  I'm doing my best to keep this all in perspective.  I'm learning.  God is so, so generous and I am grateful.

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