Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas Eve!

Lee and I came to OKC today and stopped by and made a little visit with Trish; ran some errands and picked up Dan, Lee's brother, to go to dinner with us at the Olive Garden.  Dan's wife, Sandy, wasn't feeling good, so she didn't go out to eat with us.  When we got done with dinner and took Dan home, Sandy was either feeling better, or we imposed on her, because we went in and visited for a good visit.  It was a fun time for us; I hope we didn't wear out Sandy!

Lisa, Lee's daughter, and her husband, Rick, are staying at the same hotel as us and we'll get up and have breakfast with them in the morning.  Then we'll have Christmas dinner with his youngest daughter tomorrow in the middle of the afternoon.  Lots of good visiting and we're enjoying ourselves.

I'm so grateful that we both feel good and can make these visits!  Gretta and Elena are suffering with a stomach virus and it could happen to any of us.  I hope  you are all well and can enjoy this holiday and I pray that Gretta and Elena are feeling good soon!

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