Sunday, February 9, 2014

Lee is Not Better, but is Worse; Calling Doc Tomorrow First Thing.

A couple of weeks ago I was having trouble with my computer, so I did a system restore and it fixed it.  So, I'm posting a picture of Lee from Feb 2, hoping that it might fix him.  He is really suffering today.  

Yesterday I was calling him Popeye because one side of his face was all swollen, especially his bottom lip.  Today his whole bottom lip was so swollen I couldn't even see his top lip.  He looked like an old man who forgot to put in his teeth.  He could hardly talk or eat all day.  Tomorrow we're calling his dentist in OKC first thing in hopes of getting a referral to someone here in Branson or in Springfield.  If he doesn't know anyone here I'll call someone from church and hope to get a referral from them.

Otherwise, everything is going fine.  I feel good, and that's a good thing.  We're getting plenty of rest. The meds Lee has are making him drowsy, so he sleeps and God gave me the gift of sleep, so I can sleep anytime I have permission.  Speaking of sleep; it's that time.  Good night, All; tomorrow is get something don about Lee's issues day!


  1. Could he have an abscessed tooth? Hope he gets some relief today and especially finds out what is wrong.


    1. Doctor Donna! You hit it! That's exactly what he had. I'll explain on the blog tonight what all we did today. He's on the road to recovery and it feels so good to have an answer and know that we've done what we can do! Thanks for your concern and diagnosis! Love you!
