Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Headed to wedding. Technologically challenged.

Tonight's picture is one of me a couple of years ago when we were walking in one of the burned forests on the big island. This was another of our favorite places and everything that was left was black. I needed to see this because it reminds me that we are whole and not burned or blackened, as we could easily have been in the wreck we had last July. I thank God for our safe travels.

Today has been a challenge because I can't get my printer to work and we've got to get our taxes printed (thankfully the tax people got them done today after we finally got all the forms we needed in the mail today). The printer works, but the old computers I'm using don't recognize it. Only about half the information prints and I don't think the IRS is going to go for that. So, we'll go to the library first thing in the morning and print the forms, sign them and head off to OKC for the night. Then we'll head to Kansas for our niece's wedding this weekend. I'll take my little laptop, but I doubt if it will work wherever we go. So, I'm taking the weekend off from posting to the blog. Don't worry and take a vacation from reading. I'll be back Monday with a current picture.

With treatments I was able to get my hip some better, again, today. I hope I can do okay away from my treatments with using a 10's unit. It will feel good to get the taxes in the mail tomorrow! Man, it's a crime that they put us through this every year! Don't let me get up on that soap box!

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