Sunday, April 17, 2011

Home, safe and enchanted.

This picture was taken at the reception, after the wedding. We got home at a little after 3 this afternoon, so we had a safe trip and it was really a wonderful wedding. Tomorrow I will post a picture of the bride and groom; THEY were absolutely awesome. It was so wonderful to visit with family over such a wonderful occasion; much better than a funeral! The bride (our niece) was so beautiful, but she always is. The groom we don't know well, but every time we've ever spent with him really has impressed us. This time he made the whole event enchanting with one statement. I'll explain that tomorrow.

I'm so tired tonight. I've got to go right to bed. The 'repaired' computer was on our doorstep when we got home, but I've worked with it for 6 hours and it doesn't work. I'll go back to work on it tomorrow; the repair people will be open then, so I can call them and maybe they know some secrets for me.

Thanks for giving me a few days off. My little laptop wouldn't work at the hotel in OKC, so I didn't even take it with me to KS. It works here, but I guess it's hooked on this network? Anyway, thanks for coming back to check on us. We're fine.

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