This is a picture I took of Don when he arrived at the hotel where we were gathered after the Olive Garden the other night. We were all so glad to see him. The battery on his phone had run down, so he couldn't call us and we didn't know where to go looking for him. So, we were really glad when he appeared! Can you believe how slim he is? I'm really proud of his getting his weight down and keeping it down!
Today got to 106 that we saw. I know it's really hot! I guess it's hot over a lot of the country. We're grateful for a home and car that are air conditioned!
I visited David and Dorothy tonight and David is doing a little better. This is just a very difficult disease! (COPD) His lungs have not been the acute problem this time; it's fluid on his heart(congestive heart failure) that is causing this recent problem. I thank God for getting him through this crisis.
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