Knee bands. This is the left on on my Independence Day knee bands. The right one is plain red; no flag. So, I'm still eccentric, in case anyone has any doubt.
Today has been a good, but long day. We had a preacher 'try out' at church today. After church we went out to eat with David and Dorothy and stopped by the grocery store on the way home to get groceries I needed for tonight. After church tonight we all went out to Alyssa's house for hamburgers. By we all, I mean the whole church! So there were a bunch of us there. I cut up onions to take and made baked beans. By the time I got all my stuff done it was time to rush back to church to meet with the preacher and his wife for a question and answer session before church tonight. I'm ready for my nap! I thank God for good folks. This was a fun event and the 2nd annual church dinner out at the Kastner's house on the 4th of July weekend.
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