In case you're wondering about me laying in the kiddie pool. Here's how it looks. It has 3 rings to inflate, but I only keep the bottom one inflated. It's enough to keep me wet, and I lay my head over the edge for a pillow. It's round, but I move it to be in a rectangle shape because that's all I need. I have jugs of ice from the freezer to keep the water cool enough to stand. I have couple of jugs of ice to munch to also keep me cool; my book to read and the phone, so I'm good for 95 minutes (when the ice is gone). I have an exercise pad under the pool, so it's not too hard to lay there. I thank God for sunshine; it's a way better way to get Vitamin D, so we get all we can in the spring, fall and summer. Winter's are tougher, so we depend on supplements then.
Now, the report on Don. He's a little better, but still not feeling good. This has been very mysterious. We'll keep watching for another symptom, but hope it just goes away as quickly as it came.
David. That's another story. Today started out with the great news that he'd been off the ventilator all night and was breathing on his own. So there was much rejoicing in Hobart. Then our friend, who we play cards with called to tell us their daughter had been to see him and reports that he has sepsis and a staph infection in his sputum. That's horrible news because they are both so tough to fight. David is a fighter to the max, though. Kristy always plays cards on the men's team and David says he doesn't even want to play if Kristy's not playing. She couldn't go into his room, but she stood at the door and said, "I need my partner to get better and help me beat the women." He responded with a smile and a wave and then a thumbs up! So, please keep your prayers going for David and Dorothy. With God's help, he can do this! Breathing on his own was quite a monstrous stride, so I know he can do this!
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