That's the best smile I could muster today. You should have seen the picture I deleted! Anyway, there is always reason to smile, even when things look grim. We're smiling, now, because we have a grandson coming this weekend. I think some others may come, but I'm certain one is coming.
We went to see Don's urologist today just for his check up. Everything was great and we were to come back for another check up in 4 months, until they tested his urine. They found he has a bladder infection, so he wants to see him in 6 weeks. The good thing about that is that it explains why he's felt so lousy the last few days. He woke up this morning with a crick in his neck and it's gotten worse all day. He went to bed awhile ago really hurting. I think he'll see the chiropractor tomorrow and get some help with his neck.
Dorothy called around noon and said, "We're losing David. His heart is playing out on him and there's nothing else they can do for him. They're just keeping him comfortable. It may be a few hours or a few days." That is so heart breaking, except none of us want him to suffer any more, so we have to be ready to release him. We know that God knows best and we trust His timing. I have to admit that this is not easy!
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