Sunday, December 16, 2012

Forgot, again.

I promise these are different pictures; just all of them were taken on Friday.  I was all dressed and should have taken a picture this morning, but I got all in a dither about leaving and forgot to take one.   Then Lee had what he calls a wobbly spell just as church was over and I've been concerned about him all afternoon.  We were standing to sing the last song and I thought he was going to sleep.  I asked him if he was all right and he shook his head, "No."  I told him to sit down, but he was leaning on the pew in front of us so he didn't sit, but I could tell he was about to fall.  As soon as the last prayer was over he sat right down.  Of course everyone else was standing to leave.  He got it together a bit and we made it out to the truck where he had a candy bar stashed.  He ate that and drove us to the house; he went in and I took Dorothy home and by the store to get a few things she needed.  I rushed right home and he was eating a sandwich.  As soon as he ate he sat in his recliner and slept all afternoon.  I'm not used to this diabetes thing at all, so it's kind of scary for me.  I know I'm never going anywhere without a candy bar in my purse, now.  It was a long way to the truck  from our pew up front.  He seems to be okay, now that he's awake, but I sat right by him all day and watched to be sure he was breathing.  I guess I've got a lot to learn!  I thank God that he seems to be okay. I hope he really is.  I didn't leave him to go to church tonight.  I felt like it was my place to be here with him even though he insisted I should go.  No way.

I've shelled about a pound of pecans this afternoon while I was watching Lee.  We're watching a movie, now, so I'll get some more shelled.  I really like shelling pecans; I think it's part of my wiring.  It falls into the category of peeling skin off a sunburn; I just can't resist.  Somehow I feel like I'm winning over the pecans.  I love eating them on my sandwiches, too.  A grilled cheese sandwich with caraway seeds, jalapenos and pecans is AWESOME!


  1. Peeling sunburn skin I like, shelling pecans I don't like. It tears up my fingers. Ed used to sit around every fall and shell pecans for hours on end. He would get a quart bag full for every household in the family and give it to them at Christmas or Thanksgiving. I wonder if they miss that wonderful effort he made. (Saved them a lot of money also!)
    Hope Lee's problem was related to the diabetes, at least he knows what he needs to do.

    Luv u

  2. Well, it is hard on my fingernails and does stain my fingers, but I still like it. I'll bet the family misses those pecans and think of Ed often because of it!

    Lee seems to be doing okay today. I subbed and he was okay when I left and okay when I got home. Then you called, so we're both excited about you joining us in HI!
