Thursday, December 27, 2012

It blows into drifts.

When I open the door of my bedroom onto the deck this is what I see.  Notice how in the bottom left hand corner are Lee's footprints from when he took out the trash and it looks about 6 inches deep.  The alley where folks have driven looks deep, as well, but see how the grass is showing through on the lot behind us.  That's how the wind blows it.  In our driveway the very front near the street is blown clear, but there were 3 foot drifts around Lee's truck.  He had to dig a path to get out to go get his prescriptions today.  There are two main streets clear in Hobart, but the rest are snow and ice covered.  It's a good time to stay inside!  I know of people shoveling show and then having a heart attack, so I was leery of Lee shoveling snow, but I was really sweating him wrapping his truck around the basketball goal or the red bud tree beside the driveway.  I thank God that we got out and back safely!

One of Lee's daughters had planned to come visit today, but something came up and she had to stay home to take care of it.  Hopefully, she'll be able to make it tomorrow.  I think the roads will be clear until she gets to our little barely traveled town.

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