Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Love This Pic of Precious Memories!

Lee says this is the fuzzy faced man, the princess and her two little court jesters.  They are sure wonderful guys!  Their mom got this pic for us and I'm so proud to have it!

Lee has to leave in the morning at 6:30 to get to OKC at 9 to make impressions for his new partial plate.  I sub tomorrow and have permission to leave school at 2:15 so I can make it to Lawton with my appointment with the oncologist there.  Lee will come back and pick me up at school and we'll go straight to Lawton and pick up my car on the way home.  It'll be a fast and furious day.  There is a Thunder/Clippers game tonight at 9, but we're going to bed at 9 to be ready for tomorrow.  We'll just have to miss this game.  Friday I sub again.  I'm subbing in Senior English and Speech; I'll love this.  Seniors are great because they have goals and they're going somewhere.  I thank God for the opportunity to do this.

I'm glad we can see the oncologist soon and get started on my plan C treatments.  God is good and will provide for however He wants His plan to work.  I'm glad to be a part.  Trish posted a post on Facebook today that said, "Your body is the piece of the universe you've been given."  I love that and thank God for my piece and ask Him to help me work it to His glory!

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