Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Not Magical, Yet, but I've Brought Them Inside!

The kids finished their tests quickly today, so I was home before noon!  Lee had gone to OKC to consult with the dentist who will pull 3 of his teeth next week, so I went outside and pulled all the rest of the weeds in the flower beds.  Then I cut these three irises and brought them inside to enjoy.  I'm sure there will be more open tomorrow if the storms tonight don't shred them.  I love how they make the house smell so good, and of course I love their beauty, too.

In the top pic I've got on pajamas that my good forever friend brought me from Japan several years ago. Judy, I love these jammies, still!  I took the bottom pic so you can see how tall the irises are and how many there are.  Our yard stops with that flower bed on the left and there is a big clump in the front of the bed and another big clump in the back of it.  Last year I divided some that were too thick and planted a bunch more in the middle.  In time there will be irises in that whole bed.  In the very front of the house the iris bed is under the window on the right.  Under the left window is artemisia, echinacea and daisies.  I love it when they all bloom; I use the artemisia as filler and the echinacea and daisies for accents.  God sure blesses me with these flowers!

I came inside and cleaned up and got ready for church, then I laid down and took my nap.  That way all I had to do was get up when the alarm sounded and go get Dorothy.  Lee met us there.  I feel good about today because I got a lot done and I loved doing it!  God is so good to give the the flowers and the ability to keep them going.

I've had a full week of this chemo and am suffering no side effects.  Praise God.  I sure hope that it's working on the cancer!

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