Wednesday, May 28, 2014

So Blessed!

This pic was taken about 3 weeks ago just a day or two after Gretta's surgery.  She looked beautiful then and she always will.  She took Elena fishing Monday and they caught 4 fish!  Most people who had the same surgery she had would be still in bed needing help to walk!  I'm so proud of her strength and courage.

Today was day one of my 7 days off of chemo.  It's called a rest and the purpose is to keep the chemo from doing too much damage to my body.  Really, it wasn't so bad this last round.  My feet took a real beating, but I'm able to walk in most of my shoes, so that's better than the last time.  Plus, I was able to complete it this time..  Most of the bottom of my feet peeled off; it was mostly callouses. If they peel next time, we'll get into some live skin.  I just hope my body says, "Oh, you again," and smiles back at it.  It's interesting to see how my body responds.  I did have some dermatitis on my thighs the last 3 days.  Last time it was from my waist up to the top of my head.  This time it was just on the tops of my thighs.   I'm so grateful that I can find it interesting and not debilitating!  I pray that it is doing it's job on the cancer; that's the most important thing. I can cope with the side effects so far.  We leave for Houston on the 6th of June and they will do tests to see how this chemo is working.  I will report to you as soon as I know anything!

What I know now is that Gretta is doing great and I am doing great.  We both have challenges ahead of us, but we can do this.  I am so grateful for the tools we have to help us beat the challenges that we face.  I am grateful for all the support we both have, too.  Friends and family are absolutely awesome.  God provides and I thank Him!

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