This picture was taken on my birthday. Dorothy's birthday was the 11th of this August and we were going to be gone to Bella Vista, so we celebrated my birthday and Dorothy's on the same day. We went to Altus to visit Olya and Sonia and Sasha, who used to live next door to us. Olya is from Russia and they had spent the summer in Russia, so it was a real treat to us to get to see them. Bill, Olya's husband was working, so we missed him and Olya took the picture. When they lived next door to us Bill was our preacher for 5 years. Sasha was just about 3 months old when they moved here. They are like family to us, so this picture is like a family picture; all very precious people to us. It's my most recent picture of David. He passed away this morning at 9:45. He's one of the biggest treats of my whole life; what an honor to have known him and to have enjoyed many hours with him. God blessed us so; thanks to Dorothy for bringing him into our lives. Thanks to all of you for your prayers for David and Dorothy. I don't know the details for his service, yet. I think the family is working out all of that tonight. Dorothy is exhausted, but holding up very well.
Don got a treatment with the chiropractor this afternoon and he's been doing his best to take it easy since then to let the adjustment set. He does have better range of motion and is hoping to sleep in the bed instead of the recliner tonight. Praise God! He'll get another treatment in the morning, and I sure hope that will fix him for the weekend!
Hearing of the death of your friend David reminds me of the words from Romeo and Juliet "Parting is such SWEET SORROW. David's passing is sorrow for dear friends like you and for his family, but we can only imagine how sweet his passing was for him. It also reminded me of a short poem I wrote that says 'When life as we know it has ended, the final breath is breathed, the pain, the sorrow the struggles all have been relieved. When God welcomes His children to their heavenly home above, He leaves us precious memories and a truly undying love.... I am so sorry for your loss.... HB
ReplyDeleteHB, thanks so much for this post. I'm going to borrow it to be sure all my readers see it. I think it's terrific! Thanks you so much! Jo