This picture was taken when we went to the heart rock, after we had climbed up the mountain and come back down. What a full day we had. This was on our way to the heart rock and Gabe spotted a collared lizard. They chased him around these two rocks and another huge one for about an hour and finally gave up on him. You can see how they were all involved! I'm telling you, it was an intense hour! This is Raynie, closest to the camera, then Gracie, then Mason. Then Gabe and Sadie are on the back of the rock. Precious memories! I'll have lots more pics like this to share. These kids are an awesome team and family; they were so fun to have all week. I thank God for them!
The kids left around noon today. At 1 I had lunch with Diana Clark, Jo Ann Meier, and Dorothy. We'd like to make a habit of this, but Diana is going back to Kazakhstan soon, so we may have to do just the 3 of us or pick up someone else. We'll see how that works. After lunch I took Dorothy home and helped her set up her electric blanket and inventoried her deep freeze with her. She's a dear, dear friend. We had time to cry some, too; we are both in such trouble without David and Don. We both loved those guys so much. We're doing our best to be positive and happy and thank God for all our blessings, but the loss is so tremendous for both of us and we admit we are having a hard time.
Tomorrow Alyssa is coming to stay a couple of hours with me in the morning. Then tomorrow night is a friend's wedding. I hope I can sit through that and remember that it's all about THAT couple and not me! It would be a terrible shame to break out into sobs right there at a wedding! Maybe I can get away with it, though; people cry at weddings a lot.
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