Saturday, October 22, 2011

Suvived the wedding.

The wedding was beautiful. I took this picture before I left for the wedding. Everything about this wedding was very different than usual, so I was so interested in everything that I didn't let my emotions get away from me. A good friend from church was going in as I was and his wife had gone to help their daughter buy an interview suit, so he became my escort for the wedding. It was nice to have an escort! The wedding was so lovely. She had four nieces be flower girls and they dropped leaves instead of flower petals. It was really cute. On the table were arrangements of wild flowers and the smelled so good and were beautiful, too. It was all very, very interesting and nice. I pray that they can be as happy as Don and I were, and that they can be married for a long, long time.

Alyssa came for a couple of hours this morning and I forgot to take picture, again. Ugh. Her mom came and had lunch with us before they left. Then I laid in the sun on the deck for a couple of hours this afternoon, so that was a good rest for me. Then I came in and got cleaned up for the wedding. I even trimmed and buffed my nails, so I'm all groomed for a while. Tomorrow we have a young guy here to preach for us; he's trying out for the preacher position. I'd sure like it if we could hire someone, so there would be a neighbor on that side of me. Of course, it's nice to have a preacher, too, but our men at church are really handling that task so well. I think it's even bringing us all closer.

I'm headed to bed early. Yahoo!

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