Sunday, December 11, 2011


Last night I said we played cards. Actually, I didn't play; I just coached because I was the odd person. Tonight I actually played. It was the first time since Don and David passed that Dorothy and I have played. It was fun, though. It was a little emotional, but we got caught up in the game and had fun. I'm glad we've broken that barrier. Richard and Carol (the preacher and his wife) went with me to take Dorothy home and I sure appreciated that. They are a really great couple; I hope they can work out an agreement with the church to come here. I'd love to have them for neighbors and I believe they'd be great workers with the church here. They have three grown kids who live in Oklahoma City, so they'll leave here in the morning and go to see their kids. It's sure been fun to have them.

Dorothy has a covered dish dinner to go to tomorrow night and has to make two dishes to take. I'll go get the groceries for her in the morning and then go out to her house and make them for her. Then I'll come home and put the house back into order and then get on with my own business. Right now I'm not sure what that is, but it will come to me by the time I have to get busy.

I took a bunch of Don's clothes to a good friend at church tonight. He is about the size that Don was for many years, so he can wear his XX stuff. I'll be glad to see him wear some of it, but it was emotional to get it together and take it out to the van. I think it's best to get it out of here, though, because it's always emotional for me to see it. Man, this is all so hard. I thank God for the good times to get me through the really emotional times. I thank God for good friends who understand and others who can't understand but they are still compassionate. I am blessed to be alive and healthy and able to take care of things around here. I sure miss Don's help, but I'm managing; mostly I miss his presence. He was wonderful help, but better than that he was an awesome companion. Don't let me get started!


  1. Jo, honey, just talk about Don all you want! Your friends and family understand and love you all the more. I just can't imagine how hard it is. I was with my cousin yesterday and she told me it was her husband's birthday--he died in 1975 leaving her with three children to raise. Bless your heart, you keep grieving and hang on tight. Prayers for you and love, Linda

  2. Thanks so much, Linda. You are a wonderful comforter. I'm hanging on and you're a big help. Love you!

  3. You start all you want to girl if that helps you. You don't have to try to be upbeat on here all the time. If you need to vent go ahead. I'm sure everyone will understand.

    Now why doesn't our sister get a facebook account?????

    Ruthie if you read this thank you so much for the card, it meant a lot to me.

    Luv y'all


  4. Thanks, Sissy. It doesn't seem to help, but I can sure go there easily!

    I have no clue why our sister won't get on FB; she was there first and when Trish said, "I can't believe Aunt Ruthie is on there and you're not!" I gave in and joined. Then SHE got scared of some security issue, I think, and quit. She lurks on my account, now, so she may never sign up on her own, again. It's probably the same reason as why you signed up as Jo Ada for a while . . . something about you two makes you want to travel incognito?

    Love you both!
