Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Fathers' Day!

I believe in celebrating everything every single day.  To me it's like worship; one day a week is not the deal; we live our lives either worshipping God or ignoring him.  My goal is to live my life worshipping God every day.  My goal is also to live every moment loving and appreciating all my family and friends.  I'm just not good at putting those kinds of things on and taking them off; I'm an everyday sort of gal.  It may not be a big thing or a big celebration, but I feel like God and all these people have influenced my life and the way I live it shows them that they influenced me and I love them for it.  By all means I hope everyone had a great day today and every day.

It was day 2 of my rest from chemo.  I did literally rest.  We went to church and Lee chose the Mexican restaurant for lunch since it was Fathers' Day..  We were honored to have Dorothy join us.  I wish I'd taken a pic of that, but I'm so forgetful about the camera.  After taking Dorothy home, I went straight to my nap.  I woke up and dressed for the evening church service.  We came home and I fixed scrambled eggs for Lee's supper.  (I didn't feel like eating.)  I caught up on FB and have been watching the Spurs do a GREAT job on beating the Heat!  I'm almost through with the computer, so I can sit down and relish the rest of this game.

I wish I could say my feet have gone down, but they haven't.  They still took me to church.  I have a new side effect showing up.  I have a red rash on my thighs and hands and arms.  It doesn't itch or hurt, but I take note of it in case it means something.  I also have ascites collecting in my abdomen (result of liver disease where fluid collects); it feels like a ate a whole watermelon.  I really don't want anything to eat, but I'm doing my best to get down some protein.  I've gained 7 pounds in the last 5 days and I'm sure it's all the liquids I'm retaining; I look 7 months pregnant and am grateful I have some next size up clothes!.  This is all normal, just not comfortable.  I still have so much for which to be grateful!

Yesterday I got all our laundry done, so tomorrow we just have to pack to leave Tuesday for KY and TN. We'll just be gone a week this time.  I'll have a lot of work to do on weeds when we get home!  They're getting a head start on me, now, but I don't need to be on my feet enough to spray them, so I'm ignoring them and doing my best to stay out of a snit over them.  :)

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