Monday, June 23, 2014

Off Day. The Beginning of an Off Week.

Today I spent most of the day talking to doc's nurses.  We finally came to an agreement that I'll take the next week off and see the oncologist in Lawton before I resume treatments at a lower dose. The drug is working on the cancer, so I hate to give it up, but I'm taking the same dosage a 200 pound person would take. That's ridiculous, especially since it's throwing me for such a loop.

I washed my hair last night, so this hair and no makeup is what we get on an off day.  Maybe I'll look like this for a week.  I will until I feel like going through the work to look better.   The hardest work I did today was walk out to the flower bed and collect a bouquet of echinacea.  There are a couple of daisy blooms in there, too; I hope they'll open for me in the house.  Then I walked out to the magnolia tree and collected a couple of blooms for a cup, which I learned from Doris, my sister-in-law.  That tomato is my first tomato off my own plant in the back yard.  Joan (who looks after the house for us when we're gone) took it off the vine for me and it was waiting in the kitchen when we came home.  I scoffed half of it down for supper, which is a good thing because I have had trouble eating.

Our next door neighbor smoked some pork and brought some over for our dinner tonight.  Man, was THAT yummy!!!  Smoked pork and a fresh tomato; then Lee suggested some ice cream and I even had some of that!  I feel so stuffed, but I'm not nauseated!  Our neighbor, Bill, is also our preacher; he's a real gem in every sense of the word.  Love, love, love that guy and his family.  It's really a comfort to have them right next door.  They were here for 8 years and gone for 3 or 4 and now they're back and it feels so perfect!  I thank God for them and for the time to take a week off when I need it!

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