I took this picture of the triangle in Don's haircut today. He is such a good sport. My friend from Itazuke has Parkinson's Disease and she is having surgery this week in hopes that it will help her with balance and stability. We call her Dancing Wanda because she loves to dance. I had said I would shave my head to support her and she said they may not be shaving her head, but will likely shave a triangle area where they will do the surgery on Wednesday. Then in a couple of weeks, they'll go into the other side and do surgery, again. After her head heals enough to remove the bandages and wash them she'll get a short haircut. That left me baffled as to what to do. I still am. I will do whatever they do to her. I guess she won't know for sure until it is over on Wednesday. In the meantime Don needed a haircut, so he let me cut a triangle of support on the right side of his head, in the back. I may cut a triangle in my hair, too, but it won't be noticeable since I wear my hair up all the time. If I wore it down, the hair I don't cut will cover it, too. So, I'm baffled about what to do, but it was easy to do Don's. He wore a 10 in the back of his head for a couple of summers to support our grandson who played baseball, wearing a 10 on his jersey. In fact, at one time we had 3 grandkids wearing the number 10, so we cut a 10 in the back of Don's head for support. Maybe this is one of the reasons we call him Honeyman; he's the best! I thank God for hope that Dancing Wanda can get some help with this procedure. We're so glad to show our support.
Now, some people get this blog in their email, but I'm not sure who! One of those people wrote that she was not getting the blog, so I went to check if she had fallen off the list; there was nobody on the list! So, if you would like to get this blog in your email, please let me know and I'll put you on that list. I put back on there the people I thought were there, but if I left you out, please remind me! I don't know how the list got deleted, but somehow it did. My apologies! Thanks for caring about what's happening with us! (Thanks, Dot, for making me aware of this malfunction! Ruthie, forwarded your email to me. I love you and Ruthie!)
Well I still get it in my mail MJ. Wanda really doesn't want you to shave your head, I know I would not want you to do it for me. I think she knows just how much support she has from you MJ...just the idea that you would do it for her is enough. Of course if you want to use it as an excuse to get a haircut...lol..go right ahead.