This is Sadie, sitting behind Nate, who is holding their cousin, Elena. We went to a couple of creeks today and explored. We picnicked at the first one. Gretta and Sadie brought Elena and
Raynie back to the pool when we went to the second one. We all loved the second one. Even though we all love the first one, Gabe said the second one was 10 times better than the first one. It's pretty good when we can please the 16 year old! Tonight we went in search of the illusive fireflies for the second time. We see some here at the condo, but there is a place where everyone goes to see them. We never saw anything spectacular, but we made a valiant effort. We tried to go last night and the rangers were turning everyone away. We made it out there tonight, but saw nothing. All I know is that we did our best and we're not going to waste any more time on them. We'll be content with the ones we see here. They are pretty bizarre because they light up all night. All the lightening bugs I ever saw quit lighting after it gets very dark. There is a certain place where they are supposed to be in such great number that it's rather fantastic. It's something I think I'll never see because we've done all we can do and missed them.
We are having so much fun with the kids. It's amazing how fun the kids are when they are babies and then when they grow into bigger people, they are still so fine and so much fun. We know that we are really, really blessed and we thank God for our family and the time we get to share with them.
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