This is our friend Dancing Wanda. How brave is she? She insisted I didn't need to shave my head like hers; she realizes we support her all the way. It turns out that they put her pie shape on top of her head instead of behind her ear like we thought they would. I told her that her hair will grow back really quickly and by the time she feels like getting out anywhere she can just wear a baseball cap for a couple or three weeks and then she'll have bangs she can work into her hair. The incision is about the size of the pie shapes we cut into our hair. Her face is swollen from the surgery, but I'm sure it's gone down some by now. When I talked to her she sounded great and said she was doing really well. When I see these pictures, I realize how blessed we are to have whatever measure of health that we have. I am so grateful that there is this surgery that can be so helpful to her in keeping her balance. I thank God for inquiring minds who figure out these things and for making our bodies responsive!
They put the leads into her head and will connect them to a battery that will be put under her collar bone in July after her head has healed. While she was in surgery (and fully aware so she could respond to them) they had her hooked up to the battery, so they could tell that it works for her. This is so exciting! You can imagine how glad we will be to see her at the next reunion in San Antonio in the fall of 2012!
We've had a cool front come through and it's down to 94, already! It was 98 when I went to bed at 10:30 last night! We're kind of excited about it cooling a little bit. We like the heat, but it's been pretty intense! The good thing is that I haven't had to cut the grass, again! :) We may get a storm tonight; if we do, that will mean rain and we'll be able to watch the grass grow! Ha!
Happy Summer!
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