This is a picture Don took yesterday. He said I should take a picture sometime with my hair down to show how long it is. He took one from the back and it's nearly to my waist, but you couldn't see my smile in that one, so I chose this one. Some day when I'm short a picture, I'll put that one on. A good friend who has Parkinson's disease has qualified for surgery on her brain. She expects they will shave her long hair. If they do, I'm shaving my head to support her. Her surgery is on the 22nd of this month, so we'll be home from the reunion by then. I didn't want to shock the family, so I'm waiting until then. I thank God that I have hair and it grows quickly, so this won't be so bad. It'll be great for summer, in fact. It won't be the same as chemo bald because I will still have eye lashes and eye brows! I think there's no way I'll freeze; it's over 100 here, every day anymore. Anyway, it's the least I can do.
We are just about ready for our trip back to Tennessee for my family reunion. I really can hardly wait. We are driving the van we bought from Trish and Rob and I love it! Our 'new' white van is still ailing; the guy who works on it is in Houston with his wife who had heart surgery. So, I'm so glad we have this van as an option and it's my favorite choice. I love Astros!
Our good friend, Joan, is looking after the house and yard. We thank God for her, to make us feel free to leave. I'll be in touch along the way if my computers hold. (I'm taking this one and the netbook. I'm not so good with the netbook, but it's my back up and it's small, so it's going.)
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