So, here is my "pie shape" to support Dancing Wanda. It's really hard to see what I'm doing when I look in the mirror and then put the clippers up to my head. All the while keeping the other hair out of the way. So, Don and I have done all we can do. We leave the rest up to God and know that He will see Wanda through this. What a wonderful opportunity for her to get to have this surgery. She said it is successful 99% of the time. Those are really good odds! Modern medicine is awesome.
It was cooler here, today. We walked around noon and it was only about 85, then. It got up to 101, but it wasn't that hot when we walked. I'm so glad for my walking poles. I could have never made it without them. It was great to walk outside and the day was gorgeous. We need rain, but it's nice for walking to be so pretty.
I'm off to candle my ears. Ah; that'll be nice. I love candling my ears! (Tom, I always remember when you came here and we candled your ears; fun memories! Linda, you're next!)
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