This is a picture Don took of Garrett and I when we picked him up today. This is our 14 year old grandson, and we are thrilled to have him for the weekend. He's already got the pictures Don took this week of the contents of our house onto a disc to go to the safe deposit box. I'd worked for hours and couldn't get it done, but he did it in 10 minutes. It's great to have a kid around who can do stuff for us old folks! Besides, he's a wonderful gentleman to open doors for us, etc.; just a joy to have.
I got to go with Joan today to see Dorothy and Joel (son) and David all dressed up and relaxed and with NO OXYGEN! Dorothy is doing wonderfully, even with lots of tears. David's funeral is tomorrow. Don is going to be a pal bearer tomorrow and I will sing with a group from church. I could not refuse, but I can't believe I can do this.
Don saw the chiropractor twice today and he is still not doing good at all, so we're very disappointed with that. He has gone to bed, but he may end up back in the recliner again in a few minutes. We'll see. Also, he started running a fever last night and ran it all day today. We talked to the doctor tonight and he prescribed a stronger antibiotic for him, but we had to drive all the way to Altus to get it because everything here was closed! The doctor scared me to death when he said if the fever doesn't come down then we'll have to put him into the hospital. I said, "Holy cow! and he said, "What?" He's a foreigner, so I had to explain that I thought he was being extreme to put him in the hospital because of a 100.2 fever. He replied, "I'm not being extreme; I'm being cautious. If his fever continues he could get septic." I nearly passed out when he used the word septic; I'm too familiar with that. We jumped right into the van and went to get the stronger antibiotic. (David was septic.) So, we're being very cautious with Don. I will keep you updated. He sure hates not feeling like himself.
David's funeral will be a great celebration in many ways. I certainly hope that we can accentuate all the positives about having David Rule in our lives. The preacher who lived next door for 5 years is coming to preach it, so we're really looking forward to that. He knew David really well. In fact he said today that except for the tremendous personal loss it will be an easy funeral to preach because David wrote his own funeral with the life he lived.
After the funeral Trish and Rob and the little kids are coming. I hope Don gets up in the morning and has no fever. That will help him to enjoy the day and the rest of the weekend more. Maybe all the adjustments he has has will settle in and his neck will be better, too.
Another wonderful friend, posted the following poem that he wrote in the comments of yesterday's blog post. Thank you, HB! If you don't read the comments, you would miss it, so I'm copying it, here:
'When life as we know it has ended,
the final breath is breathed,
the pain, the sorrow, and the struggles all have been relieved.
When God welcomes His children to their heavenly home above,
He leaves us precious memories and a truly undying love...."
-Harold Branstetter-
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