Today is Erica's birthday; she's our first grandchild and we are so proud of her. I say we, because I still speak for Don. He couldn't have been more proud of her and this was one of his favorite pictures. It was taken 2 years ago, but she still looks the same. he had lost some weight, but he still smiled big over Erica! She started our group of 15 grandkids and we thank God for all of them.
Today has been way busy for me. I signed updated forms on our trust and that will all be done and I can pick up the court recorded forms on Friday. A trust is so much better than probate; I'll always be glad we went that route. I went to the bank and got instructions for doing online banking. I'll set that up soon; tonight if I have time. I took pictures of everything in our safe deposit box and will make a list of what it all is and what meaning it has. I returned two things that Don had ordered and never used and got two more ready to return tomorrow. He was always ordering something to give him more energy; we should have read the clues, but we just thought it was part of aging. People please don't make that mistake; if you feel tired, check your heart! I talked to the social security office and they already had changes in place, so I hope that works okay. I called and alerted the company he does his stocks through to his death and his account representative will call me in the morning; it was 5:30 when I called, so he was gone for today. That will be a big relief off my mind to get a handle on this stock deal; it feels like a mountain I've got to climb.
I even watered my magnolia tree. Don has done that for me all summer, so it was my turn. While I let the hose run to soak it good, I pulled weeds out of the front flower bed. I almost finished, but I got all the huge ones out and only have about 3 more feet to go to finish. I had all my bags full, though, so I quite. I'll enjoy getting out there another day and finishing it. Our weather feels like Kona, Hawaii. It's great right now!
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