This is a scene in the family waiting room with "those big boys" and "the beast." We had lots of happy moments, but there were some tense ones like this one, too. It was hard to come to terms with letting Don slip away and yet we knew we didn't want to make him fight to stay alive if he couldn't have quality in his life. This was really difficult, but out of this we all grew closer. Our baby daughter became "the beast" who we've always loved and cherished and she informed the director of nursing that if she had any more business in her dad's room then she'd have to take it up with one of "those big boys." Then later when we had a run in with the nurse on the next shift, "those big boys" threatened to unleash "the beast" if she couldn't get Don's meds to him on time. Precious memories.
Yesterday I was laying on the deck when my neighbor came over with a big plate of fresh fruit. We were talking about how we always laid out in the sun together: Don laid in the grass on a towel, but the ants bite me, so I laid on the deck (In a kiddie pool when it was 110.). The last 15 minutes Don would go in and check the temperature and then come out and sit in a chair on the deck with me. I thought of that and realized it would never happen again, and lost it. Don used to say, he knew I was out there because he could hear me chewing ice. I cried, but I got over it and it was a good revelation to me. We did everything together, but we weren't always side by side. Like inside, he watched TV and I'd putter around all over the house doing chores or go to the basement and sew. We were together, but not side by side. So, now, we are still together, just not side by side. I can't touch him but he still touches me and I feel him. I thank God for precious years and memories and for "those big boys" and "the beast!" We have two other daughters and I thank God for them, too. I'd be absolutely lost without family and friends. Thank you all!
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