This picture is Trish and Raynie one day last month when we all went to lunch. It was a birthday treat for me. Today is Tricia's birthday!
It is 3 in the morning and I'm writing the blog nearly cross eyed! I'm so ready to get some sleep. I waited in Don's room until they brought him back from a 2nd CT scan on his brain. We're hoping to compare it to the first CT scan and find some encouraging differences in them. If there are no differences or if the new one is worse then we will comply with the comfort care plan that is in place for him.
He is resting well and that's a joy to see. However, when we talk to him he opens his eyes and looks like he might smile or say something. Of course we are daring to dream. I've got to go get some sleep, though. So far I've had 1 hour of sleep since we got out of bed on Monday morning. We've been through a lot since then, too. So, I'm headed to find a couch and a blanket.
Don's prognosis was downgraded late yesterday to 75% chance of mortality and 25% chance of survival. We believe he is responding to us, though, so we have great hope.God is all powerful and we are asking for Him to heal Don's brain so that he can recover well.
I'm by your side..if not in thought. Your family is amazing and they will get you through also have more friends then any human I you guys.
ReplyDeleteDana, I feel you here. Thank you. The family is awesome as are friends. God gives with abundance and we have been richly blessed; we give thanks and praise and glory to God.
ReplyDeleteJo, Tom and I are with you in spirit also. Ruthie has been kind to share Don's condition with us and we really appreciate her for the updates. We will be praying hard for Don, his brain and you. Hope you get some hours of uninterrupted rest. Love you lots, Linda
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad so much family is gathering with you. I know how much help the prayers of friends and family have been to us in difficult times, the feeling of being lifted up. I don't know anyone with so many genuinely close friends as you and Don have, and I can just see infinite cushioning clouds of love holding you up. More love - Mary & Steve
ReplyDeleteMy heart is with you both.
ReplyDeleteLove and healing to Don.
Love you,
You are both in the hearts, on the minds and in the prayers of many.
ReplyDeleteDearest friends,
ReplyDeleteHope you're feeling our arms of love and prayers wrapped around you. We are 'praying without ceasing'.
How we praise God for your lives and the witness you are for our God everywhere you are!!!
We love you SO much!
'Aloha ke Akua' (God is love...."I AM")
Travis and La Moyne
Aunt Jo, We love you dearly! We thank God for the precious memories we have shared with Uncle Donny and you. Our hearts are heavy and our prayers continue. I have prayed Romans 15:13 all week and will continue for your families. We are so very sorry for your loss. May He fill you all with the peace and comfort that only He can. We love you!
Brett, Heather, Luke & Logan
Linda, Ruthie loves talking to you. She always says, "She is so sweet!" I'm glad she could keep you posted because I couldn't get to the computer much and it was hard to use the phone, too. People have been so good to help me through this; I'm amazed! Love you, Jo
ReplyDeleteMary and Steve, what a neat concept of friends and family lifting me up in cushioning clouds. Ah . . . it does feel so good! Really folks have been so tremendous! Love you! Jo
ReplyDeleteWendy's Becky, thanks for your support. Don got the ultimate healing Thursday night. We'll celebrate his life at a service Monday, here in Hobart. His dad lived to be 96 and his mother 86, and he was so healthy. I never dreamed I would outlive him! This has been a horrible shock, but I'm blessed with many wonderful surprises, too. People are being so wonderful to me. I feel you with me and your love is a great cushion! Love you, Wendy's Jo
ReplyDeleteHB, you are so right and it is wonderful to be receiving all this love. People can sure be wonderful and I so appreciate it! Love, Jo
ReplyDeleteLa Moyne, thank you so much for reminding me that God is I Am! I loved that sermon that Travis preached! It's one of my favorite realizations; that God IS, as opposed to someone off in the future and up in the sky! I love the 'arms of love and prayers wrapped around me,' too. I do feel it and it is certainly reassuring and comforting!
ReplyDeleteLove you two so much, Jo
Heather and guys, thank you so much for your post. It amazes me how God works. If I hadn't had breast cancer we wouldn't have been down there so much and gotten to get so close to you all. What treasured memories we have and we sure give thanks for them. Even through Don's death we had so much fun with the family together and each one was so supportive of each other. It's pretty amazing. Heather, thanks so much for your prayers and for loving us like you do. We love you, too! Love, Aunt Jo