How can I not mention this date. Wow! It's a really cool one. I'm not staying up until 11:11 to celebrate it, though. I'm going to go to bed early and sleep through 11:11 to celebrate it! Today I did a ton of paper work and I'm so ready for bed!
This picture is one of Garrett at the top of the 40 foot hole. Notice how he's hanging onto that rock! (Look back a couple days and notice that I had my hand on the rock for balance, but Garrett is GRIPPING it the best he could.) He's a little afraid of heights, so being that close to the edge was not his comfort zone. I wasn't crazy about it, either. In fact we came back the way longer way to keep from walking along the edge. It was a great hiking day and a wonderful memory. I thank God for Garrett to share it with me!
Frank is doing better and better! He was up walking around today! Wow! I'm so thrilled and thank God that he could live through this heart attack! Thank you all for praying for him. When Dorothy and I went in to see him, she said, "Oh, Frank, I 've been praying so hard for you, and it's working!" She is such a dear!
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