I had the timer set to take two pictures and the phone rang. That helped to get a better smile because I like talking to that person. Good thing it wasn't 'Rachel with cardholder services.' I hate that she calls all the time! I love it when my friends call; it helps with the loneliness to know that someone cares.
Tonight is church night. It's cold here and I'm making a couple of buddies to take to church with me. I always take 2; one for me and one for Dorothy. Other folks look pitifully cold, so I'm taking two more tonight. Buddies are an easy way to warm folks and let them know that I care, too.
After church I'll watch Survivor. It's my Wednesday night ritual. and it just dawned on me today that I missed last week because the kids were coming and I forgot all about watching it. I think I have it taped, so tonight I'll watch two shows and then go to bed early. I was up until 1:30 last night finishing the vacuuming and repairing some things. I'm slow, but I got it done. I went to bed thanking God for giving me the ability to clean the house and for giving me a warm place to live that is full of sweet memories. So, I'm ready for a good night's sleep tonight. I did take a nap this afternoon, so I'm plenty rested. It's just better to get it at night, I think.
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