Wild! Scampering around on these rocks didn't bother Garrett a bit, but he did NOT like being on the edge! Anything up is scary to me; I just respect it all and do my best to stay in control of where my body goes. I thank God for all the beauty He has given us to explore. I love it when it's still so natural as it is at the refuge.
My body went to sing at the nursing home tonight. I love to do that and I thank God that I could hit some notes tonight. Sometimes my voice doesn't cooperate and there were only 3 of us for a while and then 4 after another lady joined us. A few from the nursing home gather and sing along with us, too. They are precious people and it brightens my life to be able to brighten their day sometimes. I should have someone take a picture of us sometime when we go, so you'll know kind of what it's like.
Tonight is mid week Bible study and then I'll come home and watch Survivor, which I tape. Then it'll be an early night to bed, I hope. I got all my teaching papers submitted today, so it'll be interesting to see how long it takes them to certify me and call me to work. I'd better make a plan and be ready in case they call soon.
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