Today has been tough! I'm glad we don't know the future. It's all I can do to make it through each day as it comes. Everything I touched today set me into a sobbing fit. I'm going through the motions I'd go through if Don were here and everything reminds me that he's NOT here. I don't know any other way to do Thanksgiving, though. I didn't realize it, but I guess I do things differently most of the time, so it's not so obvious that he's not here, normally. I imagine there will be lots more times like this and they just sneak up and take me by surprise.
I did get a sweet letter from my sister, Ruthie, today. Enclosed in it was the program from our friend Tom Martin's memorial service. His wife is Jane and his mother-in-law is Dot, who are both readers and sometimes posters on this blog. I cried all the way through it, but inside it was a beautiful poem that Jane found on Tom's desk, titled, 'If Tomorrow Starts Without Me.' Oh, Lord, help me! That's all I can say, because God is the only one who can help me through this. Of course He sends precious people to do His chores and you DO help. Trish just called and they are on their way. They'll be here about 8:30, I imagine. They will be sunshine to a dark day. I hope I can get my face straight for them.
Don's mom and dad built this house and the whole family used to come here every Thanksgiving. I was a military brat and we always went home to my grandparents house between assignments, but all those old home places have been gone for years. My mom and dad are gone. When Don's dad died and it was time to sell his house, I told Don that this was more home to me than any place in the world because we had come here with the whole family for so long. Then we had lived here for the last several years. So, we bought it. I'm not sorry; it was home to me, but it's pretty empty without Don here. Oh, it's full of stuff, but the heart that is left here is broken. It'll be better tonight when the kids get here.
The food is all prepared. The dressing is mixed and I will cook it tomorrow, as well as the gravy. It will smell good and taste good. We will give thanks for this family home, for our food and health, for the love we've shared for all our lives, for Don and all the years we had with his love and example and for the new memories we are building. May God bless you with health, happiness and safety this Thanksgiving.
Oh, Jo, I am so very sorry that your heart was breaking when you wrote your blog last night. I wish there was something I could do to help you. Trish and family are so wonderful to visit so often and lift your spirits. Please know that I will be praying hard for you today and every day. Love you, Linda
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Linda. I do my best to keep up a good spirit, but sometimes the real feelings show, I'm afraid. It's better with Trish and the kids here! thank you so much for your love and prayers! I love you!
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you. You wrote about the history of good times in that house yesterday and my thoughts have gone back there over and over with smiles and tears. I'm glad it was full and lively for you again today. This has been a hard week for me too missing family. I think Don's death was hardest because it was so unexpected. I'm thankful for a God who understands, loves and comforts. I love you for making Donnie happy and just because you are you!
ReplyDeleteDoris, I know that's you, because you know how this house is and you miss Don, too. I've thought of your mom and dad so much today, not to mention that I've thought of Don all day. The kids have sure helped, but this is still so, so hard. I keep thinking this will get easier and folks tell me that it does, but it hasn't, yet. When you have major surgery, you can expect to feel pretty normal in 6 weeks. I wish I knew what to expect, but I think God doesn't want us to have expectations in a case like this. I need to just take each day as it comes and trust Him totally to make it happen as He plans it. That's all I know to do. I didn't make Don happy; we were happy together. It just happened because we belonged; it's why I'm so lost. I need to be so grateful for the perfect match we had, and I sure am, but it doesn't take away the hurt. Thanks for understanding and for loving me even though Don is not with us. I missed your joke today; you always came with a joke to tell everyone. Thanks for the note, though; maybe it's better than a joke!