Garrett and I survived a day at the refuge; it was wonderful but we are both very sore. Here I was holding the camera on a rock in hopes the timer would catch us before the camera was blown off the rock. The wind was blowing at 40-50 mph; I'm surprised my hair wasn't standing up straight! God gave us safety and lots of wonder. It was a great day!
Today we went to church and then took Dorothy with us to the Future Teachers Association fund raiser dinner. (I think they are not future teachers, anymore, but whoever they are they have a great fund raiser diner!) It was fun to see lots of people from the community and share Garrett with them.
Starting tonight we're supposed to get some rugged weather. We'll get rain, which will be good and welcomed, but also storms and maybe tornadoes. So, I told Dorothy she should come spend the night with me, so she'll be here to go down to the basement with me if necessary. She agreed, so we're planning a slumber party tomorrow night. We had 6 earthquakes from 2 a.m. on Saturday until 10 p.m. last night. We felt 2 of them and one made Oklahoma history; it was a 5.6. So, we're a little creeped out with strange weather and geographical things happening. I'm glad to have the basement for tomorrow! God will see us through this, but I may not have power tomorrow night. If I don't show up on the blog, just know we're out of power for a while.
(Spell checker won't work; hope this isn't too full of errors!)
I started to write this last night and saved it, so that's why it says I posted it last night. I don't know how to correct that other than with this disclaimer. :)