I think I took this about a week ago. I wasn't sick, but my Hodge eye is sure showing. My dad's daddy had a noticeably smaller eye and he was mostly sick with emphysema for all the years that I knew him. When he got pneumonia and with years it got more noticeable. Ruthie and Jim and I all had it. I remember Mom used to say, "Your Hodge eye is showing!" That worried her because she thought we were getting sick. Maybe I was just tired last week, or maybe I was fresh off a sob session. One day THIS week, I thought I was coming down with a cold. I took a Nyquil and went to bed early, I was so convinced. I took 3,000 mg of Vitamin C every time I ate anything and drank Colloidal Silver water. The next day I woke up fine. I continued the Vitamin C and Silver water for another day, but I've had no more problems. I did replace the Nyquil with antihistamines in case it was allergies. Anyway, I thank God that I have NOT been sick and that I can see even if my eye is little. Maybe it's just my age showing. I never minded having a Hodge eye, though. It marks me as one of us and it is an indicator when things are askew. I wonder if that other eye is my Fox eye, since Mom was a Fox? I used to call her a foxy lady and it made her smile. Precious memories.
Today I sewed. I put new elastic in a pair of pants for Dorothy and I made a couple of rice buddies for a couple at church. They were singing with me Wednesday night and I came in with a couple of my buddies. It was really cold, so I offered them one to warm up their hands. I thought they might fight over it! Just kidding; they wouldn't do that, but they sure did like the warmth. She asked me how I made them and I said I'd just make them one. So, I made one for each of them, today. I really think everyone should have a buddy when it's cold!
I ran across a whole bunch of old pictures today. I sat down and spent about an hour going through all of them. Many, many precious memories. I left them out so the kids can enjoy them when they come next week. These were all pictures we'd taken since we moved here 15 years ago, but I hadn't looked at them in over 5 years. I loved the pictures and the memories, but, of course I cried. Over that 15 years our grandkids have been through so many great stages. It was great to relive those wonderful years.
I had lint and threads all over me from the sewing, so it reminded me that I needed to clean the floors. So, I got that done. I've had a very full day, so I'm headed to a bath and bed.
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