Garrett is way more agile than me, so he could climb up onto this rock. I would love to have climbed up there, but there was no stool and nobody to give me a boost. All of our kids who have been to this rock have climbed up onto it. I'm taking my kitchen stool next time so I can climb up there, too. Greedy little Grammy; that's me. I want every bit of the energy from this rock and I want to sit right in the heart, too!
Today I've been working on my papers for subbing. Tonight I have to go to Altus to have my fingerprints taken. They'll take a chemo brain, but they're not having a crook or a pervert. Sweet Dorothy said she'd go with me so I wouldn't have to drive by myself in the dark. I said, "But, you can't see in the daylight!" She said, "I know, but there is strength in numbers!" Isn't she a dear? We're going to leave before dark and stop and see Frank and Jo Ann, who should be home from the hospital by then. Hooray! Then we'll have to come home in the dark. It's not a big deal; I just don't like driving in the dark. I do lots of things I don't like, so this will just be another one and it will be behind me. I thank God for Dorothy, who will go with me for support. I thank God that Frank is able to come home, too! They'll get to sleep in their own bed tonight and I know that will be wonderful!
I'm taping Dancing With the Stars and we'll watch it tomorrow. Off I go to prove I'm not a thug.
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