Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Here's a precious one!

This is sweet Gracie; she's 9.  She's been chosen "Pick of the Litter" several times at school and it's because she is so precious!  She blesses every life she touches, especially mine!  We got to see her yesterday and got this picture.

I am SO tired today!  I was fine until about 5 and then it was like I ran out of gas.  I'm plugging on, though.  I think we are packed except for what goes in last, like toiletries.  I have to weigh the bags and see if I have to do any swapping and rearranging.  Ugh.

Dorothy got to come home from the hospital today.  Her grandson had the cleaning lady come and totally clean and disinfect her house, so she feels all snug at home in her own clean bed.  We went out to see her and she's really doing well.  She just needs to build back her strength, now.  Praise God and thank you for your prayers.

We took the keys over to Joan and the garage door opener.  She's going to take care of the house and mail while we are gone.  She's such a great friend!  We could never leave if we didn't know the house would be in good hands.

 I've cut Lee's hair and now I'm going to wash mine and go to bed.  Ahhhhh.  I'm so ready.

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