Monday, January 28, 2013

Just forget a hairdo.

Sissy took this picture at Puako when she and I went off adventuring on Saturday.  If the humidity doesn't weight down my hair then the wind blows it to kingdom come!  I'll have to get used to it being just windy when we get home.  I'm about to give up on hair at this stage in life, anyway.  I just don't like having to fool with it all the time.  The attitude here is, "No worries!"  After being bald for a while, I thank God for hair.  I really loved the freedom of bald, but I like having something to work with to feel that I'm making improvements.  When I was bald there was nothing I could do but wear a hat; wigs just didn't work for me.  Chemo hair was fun for a while, but it had a mind of it's own.  I like having my own hair and I thank God for it even if the wind blows and humidity gums it!

Sissy has gone to Oahu for a tour of that island and Pearl Harbor today.  She'll be back late tonight with a jeep she is renting.  We got up at 3 to take her to the airport at 4 this morning.  So, I'm doing this blog early so we can hit the bed as soon as she gets home.  Today has been cleaning and chore day; I try to get as much as I can done and out of the way while nobody is here.

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