Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Phyllis Diller

This was for Rayne's birthday. This was the 'before' pic..... - Tricia

I wish I could get a picture on of me these days. I look like Phyllis Diller with this hair. Terri will be here Thursday and she'll tell me it's okay or flush me down the toilet, one. Or Dana will know if I'm okay. I'm so not used to long hair and this hair isn't long enough to put in a pony tail or a barrette, but it's long enough to make me look like Phyllis Diller. Probably it's in my head, but I think I need help. I love the pictures Trish is putting on the blog, though! I hope they make you smile as they do us! Raynie looks like she's holding court with her big brothers in that video; she'll stand right up to them!

Today was a better day. If I was confused I didn't notice. We found a place we have to take you, Dana! We signed up for a players card at the Wynne and they gave us $10 to play! I played my $2 and quit, so I came away with $8. We played for about 6 hours on that, too! That's the kind of gambling I like! Oh, then we got to go spin and won another $10 on our cards that we have to play in 48 hours. I got 4 of a kind so many times; it was way fun. Coming away with $8 was the best part! I never dreamed they'd PAY me to play poker! We were having so much fun playing that we didn't walk, so I've got to go walk in the fitness center tonight. It's okay; I've got a book to read while I walk, so I'll enjoy it. It's late, so I'd better get with it.

I'm thanking God for all the friends who will be coming in soon for our reunion. I know several are coming in Thursday. The t-shirts are being delivered to me here at the condo on Thursday and then we'll bust it over to the hotel to see who we can catch. Thanks for keeping up with us.

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